Tag Archive: Blogger

Why Aren’t You Receiving The Love You Are Simply Trying To Give?

Once humans are past the bloom of youth, they began to crave the type of love that we were created for: Eros. Some people search their whole lives for this romantic type of love and for the most part it is very trial and error. Most people pull from what they have seen from the adults they grew up with. Some have tried to mimic movies and books that they have read. Whatever the case is, this love is a learned love, you learn to give it and you learn to receive it. Sounds easy. The problem is, Read more [...]

6 Signs You are Dating a FB Who Thinks He’s a Good Guy

I know I'm a little late with this, seeing how we're all waiting on Season 3 of Insecure, however, the subject never dies and I personally feel like we let this one fly over our heads. In season two we saw a little more than we wanted to see with Tasha & Lawrence. At the end of the "never should have started situationship", Tasha tells Lawrence that he is the worst kind of guy: A F***Boy who thinks he's a good guy. What does this mean? We mostly talk about guys in two extremes. Read more [...]

Originator of the #SoGoneChallenge, Grammy Award-winning Monica to headline The 2nd Annual Black Heritage Festival

August 17, 2016 -Houston, TX-The Houston Black Heritage Music and Arts Festival is back for its 2nd year. The highly anticipated festival will be held on September 17, 2016 at Discover Green from 4pm-10pm. The 2nd Annual Black Heritage Festival is a one day cultural event produced by the nonprofit 501c3 tax exempt organization, "The Foundation for Black Heritage and Culture". The festival features speakers, exhibits, musicians, artists, poets and craftspeople locally and nationally. The festival Read more [...]

Love Me Ugly

Everyone has a preference, maybe he likes thick women, maybe she likes men with beards. Maybe she doesn't like short guys, maybe he doesn't like women with short hair. Either way someone will always be beautiful to someone and someone will always be ugly to someone. What you deem ugly doesn't matter, because if a man is ugly to a woman, he can make her laugh and feel safe and he's no longer ugly anymore. Same for women, some qualities make men who would otherwise see her as unattractive start to Read more [...]

5 Lessons You Learn About Marriage From The Outside Looking In

If you follow me on social media, then you are probably aware that I was just in North Carolina celebrating the 5th Anniversary of some really good friends of mine. To see people value marriage is like a cold glass of water in today's desert society. This blog has NOTHING to do with them or their marriage. Their event was simply the muse behind it. They inspired me to have this conversation. With that being said, you don't have to be married for marriage to teach you some very important lessons. Read more [...]

If They Can’t Handle You At Your Worst, They Don’t Deserve You At Your Best

Life brings us many ups and downs without any help needed from us. Loss of a loved one to death, layoffs, unexpected additions to family, life. Life happens. Then there are times where we take ourselves on a roller coaster, by starting new endeavors. A new relationship, a new business endeavor, new position at work, education etc. can send us in a world wind. When you’re up, its beautiful, business booming, relationship blossoming, getting good grades in school. When you’re down it’s an entire Read more [...]

My Top 5 of 2015

I have been seeing so many people say "Good Riddance" To 2015, and I have to share their same sentiment. I have loss so much this year. My experiences of life in just 2015 alone could fill a novel. However, while time was winding up, I was thinking to myself, I need to write something for this year. I need to close this chapter. So I decided to focus on the positive, the silver linings that life gives us. Voila! It hit me! TOP FIVE! So here goes my top five of 2015: 5. It's National Day: I Read more [...]

Why call it My Black Is Beautiful?

A close friend of mine (of non-black decent) asked me; why isn't it titled ALL HUMANS ARE BEAUTIFUL? I paused at first, as I shared her same feelings. Then, unlike her, I began to think about the harshness and racism I experienced as a child and as an adult. Racism from people who are not black, and racism from people who ARE black. As much as I wanted to say racism and the color of ones skin is a thing of the past, I couldn't ignore the cries of help from a world sick with it. From the Donald Sterling situation, Read more [...]
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