Tag Archive: High Top

My Top 5 of 2015

I have been seeing so many people say "Good Riddance" To 2015, and I have to share their same sentiment. I have loss so much this year. My experiences of life in just 2015 alone could fill a novel. However, while time was winding up, I was thinking to myself, I need to write something for this year. I need to close this chapter. So I decided to focus on the positive, the silver linings that life gives us. Voila! It hit me! TOP FIVE! So here goes my top five of 2015: 5. It's National Day: I Read more [...]

Timberly’s Choice: Back to School

Timberly's Choice for BACK 2 SCHOOL! These shoes are a home run! Additionally, because of its all over black color, it pairs nicely with uniforms and/or individual looks. Read more [...]
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