Tag Archive: Wisdom Wednesday

Why Aren’t You Receiving The Love You Are Simply Trying To Give?

Once humans are past the bloom of youth, they began to crave the type of love that we were created for: Eros. Some people search their whole lives for this romantic type of love and for the most part it is very trial and error. Most people pull from what they have seen from the adults they grew up with. Some have tried to mimic movies and books that they have read. Whatever the case is, this love is a learned love, you learn to give it and you learn to receive it. Sounds easy. The problem is, Read more [...]

Love Is Supposed To Hurt, Right?

Making a woman your #WCW or a man your #MCM is cool. Taking usies, dates, and gifts? Who would turn that down? But do you know whats even cooler? Real Love. Real love isn't material things, it isn't a picture on social media that everyone swoons over, or 100 long stem roses. Loving is knowing how to be there for someone when they need you. Love is not hitting below the belt when you argue. Love is not kicking a person when they are down. Trying to distinguish real love from someone deeply caring Read more [...]
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