Tag Archive: Death

One Year Later…Learning To Live Without My Father

I struggled getting out the bed this morning. I had to fight myself just brush my teeth. But I did it, I got out the house today. Today marks a year that I have been living without my father. If i am being honest, I have been holding it together all year just to unravel and fall apart on this day. I knew I was taking off today. I would do nothing but see my son off to daycare, lay in bed, and wallow in my tears. But a wise man suggested not mourning my father but celebrating him instead. So that's Read more [...]

Saying Goodbye: A Letter To My Father

Dear Daddy, I pray this letter comes off as eloquent as it is in my head. I thought I knew just what to say and here I am feeling a bit speechless. We lost you 11/29/2017 on a Wednesday night at 10:13pm. I haven't stop crying since. I don't know if I will ever stop crying. It hurts so bad. Last night we had your viewing and everyone was looking to me to be strong, the kids, the grandkids, and even mom. I have done everything to make sure you leave this world with honor. I set everything up, single Read more [...]

Love Me Ugly

Everyone has a preference, maybe he likes thick women, maybe she likes men with beards. Maybe she doesn't like short guys, maybe he doesn't like women with short hair. Either way someone will always be beautiful to someone and someone will always be ugly to someone. What you deem ugly doesn't matter, because if a man is ugly to a woman, he can make her laugh and feel safe and he's no longer ugly anymore. Same for women, some qualities make men who would otherwise see her as unattractive start to Read more [...]
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