Tag Archive: Media Personality

Have You Ever Been Stolen?

Have a thief ever came and took you? Have you ever been minding your own business and all of a sudden you look up and you were gone? You are probably thinking to yourself of course not. That would imply you being kidnapped. How can you get kidnapped as a fully comprehensive adult? Well it happens everyday, people get stolen by multiple things, lust, by infatuation, by greed, but most of all by love. You meet a person right after climbing yourself out of a vulnerable stage in life. You have learned Read more [...]

If Looks Could Kill, What Kind of Murderer Would You Be?

Typically, when someone says "If Looks Could Kill," they are talking about someone's physical attributes. That perfectly created masterpiece of a human specimen is so mesmerizing, that their looks could literally stop our hearts. However, there are so many other looks that could kill in a far more painful way. Here are three that I thought of. Could you think of more? Disappointment: Here I was in the fifth grade, "bushy-tailed and bright eyed" as they say, and his name was Andre. Copper toned Read more [...]

Houston Celebrates The Black Culinary Scene

If you know anything about TotallyRandie, then you know I am a philanthropy/foodie nazi amongst many other things. I'll try anything once, maybe twice just to get a better opinion. That's why Houston/Any City Restaurant Week is one of my favs! It merges the two! However I asked the same question as did PBS in 2012 "Where are the black chefs?". Well we have been seeing an increase in black culinary artist, and this week Houston unveils its inaugural Houston Black Restaurant Week that celebrates Read more [...]

Today I Write

Today I Write. Today I write for the tortured soul. Today I write for the wife whose husband keeps cheating on her and she doesn't know why. I write for the loyal girlfriend who has the disrespectful, non-affectionate boyfriend. I write for the mother who gives her all to her ain't sh** kids. I write for the child that cries for it's mom or dad. Today I write. I write for the people who constantly endure the selfishness of others. I write for the lovers whose hearts are so big they Read more [...]

The Ultimate Blueprint Tour with Vivica Fox, Wendy Raquel, Towanda Braxton & more!

Out with the old in with new! The new year is loved not because of the fireworks, the overload of alcohol, or the free kisses at midnight. No, the new year is loved because of the fresh start it gives everyone. Although many strive to be a better person each day, its something about January first that says clean slate. On social media I saw a flood of status updates, tweets, and memes, that said the same thing: "Today is the first page of your 365 page book." People began their career journeys, Read more [...]

My Top 5 of 2015

I have been seeing so many people say "Good Riddance" To 2015, and I have to share their same sentiment. I have loss so much this year. My experiences of life in just 2015 alone could fill a novel. However, while time was winding up, I was thinking to myself, I need to write something for this year. I need to close this chapter. So I decided to focus on the positive, the silver linings that life gives us. Voila! It hit me! TOP FIVE! So here goes my top five of 2015: 5. It's National Day: I Read more [...]

National Fast Food Day

Let's face it, we live in a healthy obsessed, no gmo, gluten free, sustainable society now a days; which isn't bad at all. However, as the voice of "go greeners"  escalated, a war broke out on earth between them and fast food. Documentaries such as Super Size me and Food Inc. began to surface. People started doing experiments on fast food such as the "Big Mac" 30 day challenge. No I'm not talking about eating it, I'm talking about leaving it out for 30 days to watch it decompose, if it decomposed. Read more [...]

Big Belly’s Burger: A Place Where Your Taste Buds Beg for More

If you know me then you know I love cheeseburgers! If Burger King had a "Burger Queen" then she would be me. You name it; I have tried it. From all the national chains like McDonalds, Burger King, Whataburger, etc. to Five Guys, In N Out, Champs, Sparkle, Miller, and Smashburger. To portabella veggie cheeseburgers, Leonard’s, a plethora of food-truck burgers, including the famous Foreign Policy doughnut burger, and Waffle Bus fryder Cheeseburgers - I've even had a goat cheeseburger in Europe! Read more [...]

Ashley Stewart #LoveYourCurvesTour Houston

Ashley Stewart came to Houston for the #LoveYourCurvesTour. They had a casting call for beautiful, curvy, vivacious models. Body image and self love is still a disease that plagues the youth of our generation today. Ashley Stewart's love your curves tour seriously provided this platform to be comfortable in your own skin. It was nothing short of a party from Thursday-Saturday. After the nerves settled form Thursday's casting call, the chosen models and everyone who wanted to join got a chance Read more [...]

Its National Day: National Cookie Day

Hey Guys! I am the host of a really cool show entitled It's National Day, where we highlight some of the cool national days that you may or may not know about. We are launching on the youtube today! Click Me! Today is December 4th and you may know this day as Jay-Z's birthday but it is also National Cookie Day! Now according to NationalDayCalendar.com: "The origin of the cookie appears to begin in Persia in the 7th century, soon after the use of sugar became common in the region.  They were Read more [...]
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