Tag Archive: Relationships

Irreconcilable Differences

Guest Blogger: Jai Green His Words: Lazy, just plain lazy. She would get finished eating and wait literally 4-5 hours to put up her plate. Who does that?! Washing, folding and putting up clothes took 4-5 days and don't get me started on dog care, and personal items. A bra here, a shoe there, nothing was ever in order. She wanted the dog, so I got her one. Did she clean it? No. All she ever did was feed it. She barely cleaned up after it. 1 whole year of being married and she couldn't adjust her Read more [...]

Today I Write

Today I Write. Today I write for the tortured soul. Today I write for the wife whose husband keeps cheating on her and she doesn't know why. I write for the loyal girlfriend who has the disrespectful, non-affectionate boyfriend. I write for the mother who gives her all to her ain't sh** kids. I write for the child that cries for it's mom or dad. Today I write. I write for the people who constantly endure the selfishness of others. I write for the lovers whose hearts are so big they Read more [...]

Save The Humans

By Guest Blogger: Jai Green Have you ever wondered what your purpose is in life? Not humans as a whole, but your individual purpose? I think about the person I am, my heart and how big it is, my ability to yield, my love for the human race, and I drop my head in tears. In high school, as a freshman, while everyone was screaming save the Whales, I had a folder that had "save the humans" centered on it. I have always felt this way. Humans are the most intricate animate objects on earth, and good Read more [...]

The Messy Girl Chronicles: Tara Crawford

By Guest Blogger: Jai Green My name is Tara Crawford and I am a mess. I haven't always been a mess. From the outside looking in you wouldn't know it at all. Here I stand 5"7, lean, with a body full of melanin. I am the epitome of confidence at 29 years of age running my own media company. I innovate, I create, and I am dating a radio personality. I have done well for myself you might say. I just launched a non-profit helping young girls to love themselves. I educate young women on loving the Read more [...]

The Messy Girl Chronicles: Whitney Hightower

Guest Blog By: Jai Green My name is Whitney Hightower and I am a mess. My mother thought she was setting me up for greatness when she named me Whitney after the great Whitney Houston in the winter of 1983. If she looks at my life now she will probably conclude that she did a great job. Born 7 1/2 pounds with hazel eyes, curly hair, and olive skin im sure she thanked god a million times. A woman so beautiful but hated the skin she was in, she took what she thought as precautions to ensure i had Read more [...]

4 Ways to Keep it Classy While Single

Guest Blogger: Jai Green of jaigreenwords.blogspot.com iHustleNation, Authors, people with no credentials have all said it "If you are not married you are single". Single life comes with freedom, an immeasurable amount of freedom! Your body, your time, your life, we get it. However, it also comes with a mass amount of responsibility. You hold the key to how you control your single life. Will you live it in a way that collects a vast amount of collateral damage? Or will you live it in a way that Read more [...]
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