Tag Archive: Daddy Issues

The Messy Girl Chronicles: Tara Crawford

By Guest Blogger: Jai Green My name is Tara Crawford and I am a mess. I haven't always been a mess. From the outside looking in you wouldn't know it at all. Here I stand 5"7, lean, with a body full of melanin. I am the epitome of confidence at 29 years of age running my own media company. I innovate, I create, and I am dating a radio personality. I have done well for myself you might say. I just launched a non-profit helping young girls to love themselves. I educate young women on loving the Read more [...]

The Messy Girl Chronicles: Whitney Hightower

Guest Blog By: Jai Green My name is Whitney Hightower and I am a mess. My mother thought she was setting me up for greatness when she named me Whitney after the great Whitney Houston in the winter of 1983. If she looks at my life now she will probably conclude that she did a great job. Born 7 1/2 pounds with hazel eyes, curly hair, and olive skin im sure she thanked god a million times. A woman so beautiful but hated the skin she was in, she took what she thought as precautions to ensure i had Read more [...]
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