Tag Archive: music

Matthew Knowles Parts with I.C.E. Artistry Showcase

It's So hard to say Goodbye! According to the I.C.E. Showcase Facebook page, the following message was written: "Hi All, I hope you are enjoying your Sunday!  Mathew Knowles of MusicWorld Entertainment and myself Ashley Brooks of I.C.E. Artistry have decided to part ways and pursue some other avenues individually.  However I.C.E. Artist Showcase will be back up and running VERY soon, with a NEW look, NEW venue, and RENEWED purpose! Thank you so much for your support of my showcase!  We Read more [...]

The Queen Latifah Show!

“Its like from the moment Oprah announced that she was retiring, everyone seemed like they were clambering to fill that vacuum…I had no interest in going on television and becoming the next Oprah Winfrey…Oprah is the best Oprah that there could ever be. I want to be the best Queen Latifah or nothing at all.” – Queen Latifah Read more [...]

We’ve Met Before

This past June, BET’s Music Matters showcase, brought the best of upstart talent including the soulful singer Mateo. “I'm in a better place than I have ever been musically. With this EP, I want to show fans how I’ve evolved. They may have met me before, but I have so much more to give them,” comments Mateo. Read more [...]

Jay-Z Holds Online Press Conference via Twitter

Mr. Carter (Jay-Z) Strategically Uses Social Media “@S_C_: Better Question, is it the last time?” In response to “Do you think #MCHG is the first time you‘ve changed the rules?” - @NickPokorzynski Read more [...]
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